Thursday 5 April 2012

Aesthetic Changes

After looking into my choicer of art style again and with guidance from my tutor. I have decided not to follow the Chibi Manga Art style and follow a more cartoon style. Very similar to the style Rayman is done in. I like this art style so i brought my idea to go around this. Big eyes and proportions, very childish look but very associative.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Final Badge Design

Using the reference material as shown before, this was created. I think it suits the style of game i'm deciding to make and overall looks attractive to the eye.

Monday 26 March 2012

Police Badge Emblem Design

This is the reference ill be using to create by emblem design created in my concept document. ill be using more golds and blues to make it stand out more than this though

Thursday 15 March 2012

Aesthetics Design

In my game I want to try and use the Japanese based Kawaii Design of Chibi Manga. I think its very cute and appeals to a lot of audiences as it advertises it self well for what it needs to get across.

You also play as one character in game . Bottom picture showing real life and then the above picture showing it in the Chibi Manga Art Style.

There also needs to be a customization feature in the game. As noted the officers are an important feature. So a player can individually pick out officers so he/she knows who to use, the customization helps pinpoint this with simple colour changes reigning throughout

Wednesday 14 March 2012

UI AND Level Design Previews

Th UI and level design were my last steps in design. I didn't really want to create an overly complicated UI. I wanted it to be similar to the ones already on the platform but also show the flare of the game and instantly recognizable.

Mentioning the level design, ass there's only one level going throughout the game, I needed it to be decently big so there's a small breathing areas for players to explore. Also needing to look similar to what real-life police stations look like.

Monday 12 March 2012

In Game Shop Materials

I want to show in my document the use of in-game shop to make products which will help the player efficiently in game. As its also a free 2 play game, i needed to demonstrate that there would be two types of currency.

I think the pictures are a bit basic and i would probably improve them again if i was to publish the game for the web

Sunday 11 March 2012

Puzzles for the Paperwork

This shows the mini games and puzzles feature i'll be using in my game. After completing a case by the officers you've sent off. To stick to realism, you and the officers have to complete a document which completes and finalizes the case.
First having to get all the officers to the player's reception where the receptionist will get them to do the sign ins (including officers that are from other players). Then after that is done, the document is put on your desk and the player will complete a small mini game similar to the game showed above. (Shuffling a picture to make a big picture). The level of skill needed is dependent on high level the case was.
A player can leave these to do whenever but if this case load gets too much, morale can decrease as stress occurs.... So the faster the better.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Friends and Group Mechanic Diagram

Making this simple diagram to show off what I really wanted to use the Facebook platform for. I want to re-invent the mechanics on facebook already used but also use information not created before so I can create a brand new game on the platform

Monday 5 March 2012

Morale System Mechanic Explanation

The morale system is used to change how a player will have to play in the game. When the going gets tough and the station is on a low morale, players will need to use team work more so they can complete cases with more speed and estimate so they can rank up faster etc. While if the case load is light and morale is high, players can be a bit more slow with things and specialize the officers more specifically..

Friday 2 March 2012

Skill List for each Officer

This is the skill list each officer under a player's employment would have. A player can gain 9 of the skill points on each skill. The tenth point is gained through an item which I haven't decided if it would be paid for, can by from ship when have 9 or instantly gained when have 9. Decided after a while..............


This is where all the skill trees are. When going through these training and lighting up the first level of completion, player gains 1 skill point in the areas it increases it in. So if player wants someone to specialize in one area particularly, they can by completing all the skill increasing based missions that have that skill to increase.

Crime Skill Gaining Tasks

Each Crime skill can be gained 3 ways in the tasks you do. So each Crime Task has 3 different crimes it assists when the player has took the police officer to do that type of training
University: Criminology Courses. Assists:

  1. Manslaughter
  2. Domestic Violence
  3. Kidnapping
College Courses in ICT. Assists:
  1. Cyber-Crime
  2. Drug Trade and Illegal Use
  3. Terrorism
Military Training. Assists:
  1. Arsen
  2. Riot Control
  3. Illegal Immigration
Driving Courses in Velocity and Quick Handling. Assists:
  1. Drunk Driving
  2. Robbery
  3. Shoplifting
Course in Forensics. Assists:
  1. Assault & Battery
  2. Kidnapping
  3. Vandalism
Animal Handling.  Assists:
  1. Baiting
  2. Drug Trade and Illegal Use
  3. Domestic Violence
Cardiovascular Training. Assists:
  1. Shoplifting
  2. Assault
  3. Illegal Immigration
University Courses in Psychology. Assists:
  1. Manslaughter
  2. Baiting
  3. Drunk Driving
Foreign Affairs Knowledge Increasing. Assists:
  1. Illegal Immigration
  2. Terrorism
  3. Kidnapping
Tactical Training. Assists:
  1. Riot Control
  2. Baiting
  3. Arsen
Weapons Knowledge and Training. Assists:
  1. Manslaughter
  2. Terrorism
  3. Vandalism
Drugs & Alcohol Lessons. Assists:
  1. Drug Trade and Illegal Use
  2. Drunk Trading
  3. Vandalism
Communication Skills. Assists:
  1. Riot Control
  2. Cyber Crime
  3. Domestic Violence
Gym Exercising. Assists:
  1. Robbery
  2. Arsen
  3. Assault
Shopping Skills. Assists:
  1. Robbery
  2. Shop Lifting
  3. Cyber-Crime

List of Crimes which will appear in game

1.  Manslaughter
2.  Riot Control
3.  Shoplifting
4.  Robbery
5.  Vandalism
6.  Arson
7.  Assault & Battery
8.  Kidnapping
9.  Drunk Driving
10.       Drug Trade/ Illegal Drug Usage
11.       Domestic Violence
12.       Illegal Immigration
13.       Terrorism
14.       Cyber Crime
15.       Baiting
      This will be the crimes players will go and send officers to deal with. This will also help me create the skill tree which makes officers better in these areas as I can research what type of topics help to know this better

EXP Trees

This will be the EXP Tree used to rank up the small officers in the game. The skills tree will compliment this well.

A player's small police officer earns exp when being sent out to sort out a crime assigned to him/her, given exp packages from buying them in the online shop or the small amount of exp gained when gaining skills

Monday 20 February 2012

Final Synthesis Presentation

 Phantasy Star Universe Idea Generated Mindmap. Mostly Sci-Fi based stuff as the theme is what I worked with.

This is the moodboard for Phantasy Star Universe. Showing te game, its online features and the art style used. Alsao shows other games with the same general direction

Facebook Analysis Mindmap and Moodboard

Facebook Mindmap from Analysis. Random Spectrum of ideas I created. From a Social Security Game to a Take Away/ Restaurant Game
Facebook Mood Board that shows all the uses of the Facebook, cross platform. Also what people use the internet for in a whole.

Final Cluedo Mindmap and Moodboard(s)

 This is the Final Mindmap for my Cluedo Analysis . Final Generated Ideas and any idea spectrums that come from that
 First draft Moodboard that I didnt use in the end on my Synthesis Document
This is the Final Moodboard I used for my Synthesis Document. Looks at Cluedo and the type of themed environment I was looking at