Monday 26 September 2011

Character Archetypes and General Flow of Story

  • Determine which of the following 17 stages the fairy tale character goes through and use them to create an outline. Not all of the stages are present in every fairy tale. However, the stages that are present will always be in this order.
  • 2
    Find Stage 1: The Call to Adventure. This is the event that heralds a major change for the main character. Something disrupts the character's normal, everyday life. There is a new problem to solve and a new enemy to defeat.
  • 3
    Find Stage 2: Refusal of the Call. Sometimes fairy tale characters try to escape their destiny. The resistance may be very brief.
  • 4
    Find Stage 3: Supernatural Aid. Every hero that accepts the journey receives advice or a helpful object from an older character who might seem supernatural.
  • 5
    Find Stage 4: The Crossing of the First Threshold. This is when the main character encounters the first fight or difficult task. The main character often fails at the first struggle but always ends up crossing some kind of barrier, the point of no return.
  • 6
    Find Stage 5: The Belly of the Whale. After the first struggle the main character needs to recover and adapt to the new world, which feels uncomfortable and strange. He or she may feel that the journey is impossible or all hope is lost.
  • 7
    Find Stage 6: The Road of Trials. Eventually the main character continues the journey, despite feelings of inadequacy, and encounters more tasks and fights. There might be many successes and failures.
  • 8
    Find Stage 7: The Meeting with the Goddess. At the end of the road of trials the main character often meets a powerful woman or has an overwhelming experience with love and great power. The experience is seen as a reward for the main character's mastery of life in the new world.
  • 9
    Find Stage 8: Woman as Temptress. The main character might be tempted to abandon the journey and the temptation might take the form of a woman.
  • 10
    Find Stage 9: Atonement with the Father. This happens at the very middle of the story. The main character overcomes the main foe or resolves the major problem of the journey.
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    Find Stage 10: Apotheosis. This is the calm before the storm. The main character has a chance to recharge before the final struggles of the journey home.
  • 12
    Find Stage 11: The Ultimate Boon. The main character receives or takes the thing that he or she started the journey to search for, the thing that will solve all of the problems back at home.
  • 13
    Find Stage 12: Refusal of the Return. Sometimes the main character does not want to go back home.
  • 14
    Find Stage 13: The Magic Flight. Sometimes the main character needs to use special tricks or magical things to help him or her start the journey back home.
  • 15
    Find Stage 14: Rescue from Without. Sometimes the main character needs the assistance of other people in order to travel back home.The assistance may be in the form of force if the main character is reluctant to return.
  • 16
    Find Stage 15: The Crossing of the Return Threshold. There will be a struggle to get back to the real world. The main character has gotten used to the strangeness of the other world and home seems like a foreign place now.
  • 17
    Find Stage 16: Master of the Two Worlds. The main character succeeds in adapting to the home world and realizes that he or she has the skills to survive in two different worlds.
  • 18
    Find Stage 17: Freedom to Live. The main character is at peace with the world and the self in the world. He or she will succeed in normal, everyday life. In other words, the main character lives "happily ever after".


  • 1
    Explain how the fairy tale character fulfills the requirements of each Hero's Journey stage.
  • 2
    Determine which hero archetype fits the fairy tale character:
    Primordial Hero
    Human Hero
    Warrior Hero
    Lover Hero
    Tyrant Emperor Hero
    World Redeemer Hero
    Saint Hero
    Dead Hero
    Trickster Hero  

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