Friday 18 November 2011

Alan Wake Game Mechanic Research

Game Mechanics:
·      Source of Light:  Light is core to the game play of this game as it used to see in the game and also inflict damage to the enemy. There are multiple sources of light which you use as a torches, flares, floodlights, car lights etc. Using items and your environment to the fullest.
·       Enemy Generation: Enemies in the game also have no set spawn so you never really know where the enemies are going to be. As the enemy is some sort of entity which can take over the life of people and objects, it can be anything. This can really worry a player as they have no idea where any enemy could be and what it could be keeping the player on edge.
·         Damaging Enemies: The way you damage enemies in the game is very similar to the way you keep players in Halo. You must take of a shield type health first known as the darkness with light sources and then you kill the enemy if still alive after the darkness has been gotten rid off, you kill it or them with a gun.
·         Story Interactivity: As the story in the game is based upon a ale hat he character your playing as is writing, the story itself is actually interactive. By finding pages in the environment, you can change how the story is played out which overall in the end determine what path that the character takes to complete the end goal.
·         Limited Weaponry: The game only limits you to the use of one weapon, a revolver. You must use the revolver along with the light to fight through the countless amount of enemies. This brings tactics to the game as you can't just run into a fight and expect to win.
How these affect the game play:
Bringing all the these game mechanics together, it brings an immersive experience for the player to go with. Being able to change the story through collectibles that are scattered around the environment that you're really gives the player the option of making his/her own path in the game. The battle system in the game which combines all the other game mechanics mentioned also makes it into a immersive horror/ thriller as enemies could be anything from a person to an object, you have to use a unique battle system in where you must destroy it's/ they're shield type deflection called the darkness with the use of light. Then having limited weapons to actually kill the enemies after doing so really brings the game together to suit its genre.

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