Friday 18 November 2011

Left 4 Dead 2 Environment Research

Game Environment:
·         Usage of Day Time: Left 4 Dead 2 uses the Day time in its Horror/ First Person Shooter release in a way not many games in the same genre can. The day time is used to set eerie shadows in the game where enemies can lie in wait to attack and not be seen and playing it in the day time also makes the player play the game strategically different as even though they don't have to be using their sight as much as they would if it was in the dark, this means the infected your facing can spawn from more places and discover more places to attack you from.
·        Usage of Night Time: Night Time is used like most games in the genre where it sets a scary atmosphere for the player t play in and means you have to be more aware of the environment your in as the enemy can come from any place.  It also works really well with the sound in the game as your on edge because of the eerie music that is playing while running through the different levels.
·        Urban and Rural Environments: The developers made varieties of campaigns and level types for the player to play in as it caused different experiences for the player. Playing through forests and rivers to cities celebrating a festival with bridges blowing up around you.
·         Linear and Multi Path Way Usage:  Most of the environment that the player plays in is a very linear path to get to the end but through that linear path you have chances to get to the same destination as you would following another path. Basically this changes the game every time you play through the different campaigns
·         Interesting Environment for the player to explore: The environments are also very good to explore when playing as there is a mechanic in the game which randomly spawns enemies, causes hordes, spawns objects needed in the game and weapons. As these randomly spawn anywhere in the levels it makes the game interesting to play as its always changing because of its diversity.
Why the environments work:
The environments work for the game as they're always kept different for when a player is playing it. Diversity in all the level play through makes the game enjoyable and fun to play. As said, from playing in a forest and having to trek up mountains to get to the next place on the campaign, from a carnival that has been left abandoned because of the recent crisis that had happened. Different levels height are also in the game as sometimes the player are on roofs looking down. The difference in height and levels along with the different themed environments makes the game diverse and fun.

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