Monday 14 November 2011

Book Information and First Thought Mechanics

Book Chosen:  Author: Shaun Hutson     Name: Slugs

Text: "Brady eased himself gently down from the metal ladder and stood beside Palmer, the effluent dribbling past them at about calf height. The Health Inspector swept the tunnel with his torch, noting that the beam was unable to penetrate the blackness for more than a few feet. Once again he felt that a terrible claustrophobic feeling come over him as the walls of the pipe seemed to close in on him. ---

Palmer shrugged and indicated that Brady should test his own equipment. A similar procedure was completed, then both men clipped the two-ways to their belts and bent low, ready to begin the tortuous crawl along the stretch of pipe which would lead to the first of the large central chambers. It was hot inside the suit and Brady felt even more uncomfortable with the breathing apparatus on. Although it was light, the tank of oxygen on his back seemed to weigh him down as he crawled and he could only hear the loud, behind Palmer. Every now and then the Health Inspector would stop, almost sitting in the flowing effluent, and shine his torch behind them, just to check that there was no slugs near them. He scanned the walls and roof of the pipe for slime trails but, as yet, saw none.

The meagre shaft of light which poured down the open manhole opening began to fade into darkness as they crawled deeper into the pipes. Brady scrambled on, anxious not o lose sight of Palmer who was about two feet ahead of him. They passed a side outlet which was less than a foot in diameter and both men concentrated their torches into the black hole."

Why: This passage of text from the Slugs Book I decided to choose this as it's a scary part of the book which for a player I think would bring in a lot of suspense. I also believe that a few mechanics can be brought in and limitations such as the way you move and the sight of the screen. The book is based around man eating slugs, so they are the enemies you have to face, so I think having these enemies as a concept is adventurous as I can play around with these. The map is also twisted and can take multiple directions, some being the right way and some being the wrong way, so the level is also detailed and complicated in its structure.

Genre:  Horror/ Thriller/ First Person RPG


1.       Torchlight: This mechanic is set so when playing as a character, the only source of light you get given in the game to navigate through the map. It can also deter the slugs from you when they get too close but as the slugs come from any direction, you have to be looking in multiple directions with the light to notice where all the slugs are.

2.       Slime Trails: Slime Trails will be navigated around the map as they lead to where you need to go to. By using the Flashlight, you can see the slug slime trail either on the wall, roof or floor and you get to the place you want by using this trail o get to the end goal.

3.       Movement of Crawling: Because the pipes are generally very narrow in the sewers, you can't stand up as a character. Basically to navigate around the map, you have o be very aware of the surroundings you're in.

4.       Energy Meter: There is an energy meter for the player and to gain energy back, you have to either rest or eat food that you have in your pack. Or if a certain event or cut scene happens, energy will go up as a certain emotion occurs such as being scared.

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