Monday 31 October 2011


Naomi 1= Learn Essential Game Play Mechanics Use conviabelts/metal cans/furnaces/holes

Liam S 2 = (Same as 1) Pistons/Rollers/ Enemies/Metal Boxes Charge Power Up at End

Josh 3 = (Same as 1&2) Heavy on Charge/ Breakable Walls and Platforms/ Buttons

Liam R = (Same as 1,2 & 3) Goo Added in

Must use Lasso Tool in some way or another in your part of level, sophisticated or not up to us.....

Use of Pipework up to you, as long as not go onto other stage

1 Minute Length if can do, to make it up to 3-4 mins

Stage Beginnings and End - Pipework/Chute

For Harder Difficulty - Dont change puzzles , just add more enemies/ rollers and more difficult

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