Saturday 1 October 2011

Fist Moodboard representing (in order) my character; Protagonist (Warrior), Secondary Main (Archer),   Damage Tank  (Cyborg/Robot)

Thie is the second moodboard representing my character ideas. From top to bottom; Offensive Spellcaster (Mage/Witch), Healer (Hidden Doctor). Beast Creator (Young Beast Summoner)

Third Character Moodboard that represents my characters.  From top to bottom;  Quick , Stealth Killer (Assassin),  Supernatural Based Male (Male Succubus), Supernatural Based Female (Female Vampire).

The final Moodboard which represents the characters that I would like to be in my game idea. Again  from top to bottom; Joyous Magical Character (Bard/Artist), Quick Agile Character (Thief), Loyal/Defensive Guard (Royal Knight), Magical Collector (Magical Sword Summoner.
This is the collection of character ideas I had in my game. I wanted it to be quite a significant number so I decided 13 because of its sense of bad luck. There are some that are very similar in there ceneral class and looks as represented by the pictures i've used but i think with personalities, facial design, costume design and stats/skills, I can make them all individual.

To list again the classes
Mage/ Elementalist
Beast Summoner
Magical Sword Summoner/Collector

This is a general list of ideas I have up to now when it comes to my overall game idea.

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