Monday 17 October 2011

First Story Draft

Past: Main Protagonist, ASHA left as a baby in alley. Found and then raised by a local blacksmith. Taught how to be a blacksmith and in own time, learned martial arts.  Competing in competitions, he was regularly the winner. Meet FIRST PC, ANIMA. ASHA enters the Knighthood Competition and earns second only losing to the Knight Leader and SECOND PC, LEAL.

ASHA is training with LEAL to become a knight. Recent murders have been happening across the land where people and hung on the tree. LEAL has decided to go and look into this and find out who the common enemy is across the land. ASHA goes home that day and finds his adopted father hanging. Screams out in pain, he demands vengeance.                                                                                      

He wants vengeance on his father. Asks the Royal Family if he can join the knighthood and leave the city in the search for the enemy.

The Royal family think about this and tell him they don’t know if he is strong enough to face the world, he must prove it to them. Given the task of killing the beast that has been killing the local crop and injuring some of the people in the area, if he completes this, he will prove his strength. ANIMA joins his party for this and from there on. The team look around town finding information from the locals about the beast. They find the beast, talk to it and then destroy it. They then set back to tell the Royals.

Getting back, they tell the Royals they have killed the beast and so they have proven their worth. They allow it but they must have a mentor. One man speaks out from the background and takes this job into his hand. THIRD PC meeting, CALAMITOSUS. To prove that ASHA AND ANIMA are both ready to fight, CALAMITOSUS have to fight him to prove this. Fight ends in deadlock and they set off. CALAMITOSUS joins the team

To get to the other towns and cities the characters have to go through a forest. The team faces enemies in the forest until the night time. When hits night time, they set up camp to rest and continue again tomorrow. While in camp, they get ambushed by some possessed beasts.

While facing the beasts after a certain amount of time, a white light is cast into the middle of the camp and makes the beasts run off.  A woman approaches who seems to be a mage. Talking to him, she is the guardian of the forest and also the FOURTH PC, VENEFICA. VENEFICA joins your team and requests you help her to kill a big beast in the forest. You kill the beast; she decides to stick with you to kill the great evil. After a while the team leave the forest, team travel round a small bit of country. Crossing a bridge, ANIMA cuts her leg deeply when going through it. A suspicious man heals it for her. FOURTH PC meeting, SANATARIO. After again travelling. They get to a cyber-city, where they have a small fight with a female looking thief. They search the city for her. Before they leave, they meet her again and duel her. You defeat her and she joins the team. FIFTH PC meeting, MINAX.

They have to go through a cave to get to the place they want. Going through the cave they get ambushed frequently. They get to a shrine looking room. When in there they notice some containers. They try to see what’s in them but they can’t open them

While trying to open these containers, they are slowly being sneaked up on by 2 massive creatures. The team battle them but have no chance of hurting them. Calling themselves the guardians, they fht the team off to the other side of the tunnel.

After getting out the tunnel they decide to rest up as a team. The next day after resting, a young girl is sitting there. The team follow her to a clearing where a creature is flying above them. The little girl pints to a toppled amount of trees. They see a young girl there. They save her after confronting the beast which is apparently her summon. She wants to thank them so she takes them to her snowy village. The village thanks them for saving her as she is the leader’s daughter. While resting that day there as well, the village gets attacked by the big enemy. After fighting, the whole village is basically dead, including the leader.  The young girl joins them.  SIXTH PC meeting, TIAR.  Going through the snowy mountains just after the village, they come across a house which looks haunted. Deciding to rest up there, they go in. When inside they see a woman torturing a man. They defeat the woman and she flies off. The man’s name is Hass and he is apparently a demon. He joins them so he can heal up and have revenge. SEVENTH PC meeting, HASS.

They have to go to more cities for information, they decide to split up. Splitting into two teams. The first team goes to a town and gathers information on what the evil goo is and what its name is and meet the woman from the house. She deeply apologises and actually joins them as she respects and likes them. EIGHTH PC meeting, Sangria. The second team go to an underground city where they find out how it kills and gets around. They also have to kill a manifested form of it as it terrorises the people. ASHA also finds information on his tutor LEAL. They join back up at the end. And discuss what they have learnt in the end.

They leave after resting and while waling come across a lake which has black all over. Seeing a man, they go to him. It is actually LEAL and he has been possessed. They fight him and somehow with the use of water, light and fire, get the black goo out of him. They go backwards towards a city to get him rested up. NINTH PC meeting, LEAL.

Because of the fight they gained knowledge on how they could kill the enemy so they decided that this was important information so they should get back to the capital. Stopping at a city first though.

While in the city that the first team was in before and helping LEAL recover, the town seems a lot happier. They meet a singer and musician who seem to be making the town happy. Thanking him for his good work he tells them knowledge of a tale how this was expected.  They leave the town ignoring him but he makes them listen to him and because of what he told them, he must guide them to the tale and the capital so he can tell the King this. TENTH PC, RITTEROMANZE. After travelling for a day or so they find the closest city. Very run down place they enter and seem to be unwanted by everyone. They rest instead in the local woods after being told to go away. A young boy tries to rob them, but instead gets caught. Avoiding capture he runs back into the city. The next day just before leaving, a woman with the young boy appears and passes him to them unconscious. She disappears and not knowing what to do, they take him with them. Waking up he is bewildered but they treat him affectionately and after a while he starts to like them and joins them on their quest. ELEVENTH PC meeting, REUS.

After discovering some information for the locals around a next village, they set off quickly back to the capital as there is a very big danger coming to the people of the land.

After a long journey non-stop, they stop in a forest. While resting in the forest, the woman who gave them REUS appears before them again. She claims they are all her slaves and she needs them. Telling them a story about the tale they heard, she continues it by an unlucky number of some will defeat the evils coming together. She prepares them mentally and then joins them back to the capital. TWELTH PC meeting, ZIEL.

Getting to the capital, they remember about the shrine. CALAMITOSUS & LEAL go to the capital to tell the royals while the rest go back to the shrine. At the shrine, the containers release objects for them all to use. They fight the guardians again to prove their worth. They then have to get back hoping that the coming evil hasn’t arrived before them

They take the same road back hoping that they weren’t too late but while running back, see the black goo treading along the paths, so they knew they’d be fighting in a battle when they got back.

Getting into the capital they notice a lot of fighting going on and a lot of knights sacrificing themselves. They run through fighting enemies off on the way. When they get to the palace, they create a plan which they would all be needed. Half way through the plan and killing the possessed creatures, all the black ooze stops as if stopped in time and an angel comes. The angel strikes a deal with the humans that he’ll kill the evil as long as he gives him something back. They agree, killing the black enemy but for that the humans sacrificed themselves. You battle the angel then which has now turned demon (his true form). You defeat him and everything goes normal in the world apart from their lives never changing.

After everything is sorted out, the team decide to go on their separate ways in knowledge that the world will be safe but also having got themselves into a pickle as they are to be the unlucky 13 that protect the land.

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