Monday 3 October 2011


Full Name: Asha Jace Masouda (Meanings –HOPE/SALVATION/LUCK)
Nick Name(s): Booth (Comedy Tale) (Meaning – SALVATION)
Gender: Male                
Age: 19
Birthday/Year: October 3rd
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Lay-Down Spikes
Eyes: Brown Eyes
Height: 5ft 10     
Weight: 10st 3pnds
Race/Species: Human/ White
Environment: Castles and Cities. Not see much outside where he lives so very much rural.
Beliefs/Religion: Follows the “Warriors Path” (Significance will become relevant)
Ambitions: To become a Great Knight of the Worlds Kingdom
Hobbies: Martial Arts/ Kingdom History/ Cooking
Likes: Food/ Battles/ Friends
Dislikes: Arrogance/ Cowardice/ Alcohol
Fears: What others think of him
Strengths: Martial Arts/ Physical Activities/ Cooking
Weakness: Intellectual Studies/ Memory/ Being in Spotlight
Good Qualities: Sharing + Confront able/ Caring/ Strict on Self
Bad Habits: Doesnt share his emotions/ Loud
Temperament: Very approachable and interacts well with others if they have redeeming qualities about them which he likes or has known them for a long amount of time really affects how I he thinks of others in the whole. When people show a trait which he doesnt like though, he can get very angry and short tempered with them and doesnt show them any type of mercy if they dont have a reason. Such as cowardice, if that person has been bullying a friend or tried it on him, he will show them no kindness because of that.
Values: “Warriors Path”, “Always show your strength”, “Cowardice is not allowed”
Abilities & Talents: Martial Arts/ Can use Multiple Weapons/ Cooking Ability/ People Interaction/ (Small Magical Ability but that will be in midst of game) 

Background Synopsis:
Found in a back alley of a street, he was taken in by a local blacksmith whose family a year before had been taken away from them when a raid happened in their town. Treated like a son from the blacksmith, he taught him how to create, wield and use a variety of weapons and use them in martial arts.

Not really appreciating the art of smithery, he didnt want to become a blacksmith which is what he told his surrogate father. He loved martial arts though and he trained everyday with a variety of hand to hand combat weapons. He did this to gain the respect of the guard that protected the city from outsiders, rebelling town people and overall general mischief and mayhem.

Participating in organised battles, he became top in a variety of tournaments that occurred. Meeting also his female friend who he cares for a lot (but naive enough to not know he actually likes her and that she actually likes him)(PC) and creating a partnership with this character as in a bond between them to protect each other (female character is a skilled Mixed Martial Archer).

Not very liked among the more noble and rich children because he beats them in battle when he comes from the lower parts of the town, doesnt care too much about them. One year before the current day in the game, he is given the challenge to fight in the Knights Championship When he gets a call from the Knights Guard saying that they would like him to become an apprentice a year before this event, he takes to the challenge and makes his way to the Finals but is pitted against the Lead Knight who has mastered most martial arts with his lance (also becomes a PC, but later in game) and beats him easily. After tournament he becomes the Lead Knights Apprentice and for a year he trains vigourously to impress him and become a guard so he can protect his cared ones.

Current Day:

To the current day of the game, strange occurrences start happening throughout the town and people are going missing and then a week later being found hung from trees in the forest around the town. The Lead Knight goes on a lead and leaves the town to find information about the occurrences. So he is left to train alone and one of the Main Guards that protects the Royal Family. Unfortunately because he is away from home so much, when he goes home one day he finds that his adopted father is actually hanging from the top floor and the hero breaks down and screams his vengeance.

The father had left a note saying that the reason the occurrences happened in town was something he was directly linked to as it was his daughter who had been killing everyone. She had apparently become infected or taken by some evil. He stays for a while but he finds out this type of thing is happening around the whole land and he asks the Royal Family if he can go and find whats happening so he can stop it.

Royal family say he can when hes killed the beast that is terrorising them. He goes in search of it and this is where the game on current day begins.......

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