Monday 17 October 2011

USPs 2

1)    Roaming World- Movement and Differences

Can do different types of movement when using the buttons and joy stick. Through the map, when not in battle, you’ll mainly be walking around, interacting with other people, collecting objects & starting fights with roaming enemies.

Different movements:

·         Walk

·         Sprint

·         Jump (Double Jump for certain characters)

·         Hurdle

·         Extra (Dependant on Character)

Every character can do these but some can do extra which might be more suitable to the scenario.  (Example: Minax (Assassin) and Reus (young thief) can both sprint quicker than the others and can also double jump, Calamitosus can jump very high as he has a jet pack etc).

Character stats basically affect how efficient you are if playing as this character in the roaming world at these certain movement styles. Some also have extra abilities which you can use if you’re playing as that character.

Not only do you have different strengths and abilities when walking around the roaming world, when approaching an enemy, depending on which character you are, will change something in the battle scenario. Example being my bard class type character, Ritta, when you use him and start battle with enemies, a random enemy will be in the status mode “Rest” (known in other RPGs as “sleep”) and he becomes vulnerable to attack.

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