Monday 17 October 2011

USPs 3

1)    Interaction Based Mechanics

In the game there will be a mechanic called Bond. There’ll be a menu system in the Menus where you can see and measure how you are doing with other playable characters and non-playable characters. This has major and minor effects in the game.


·         Can earn weapons, money, discounts at shops, items 

·         When doing joint attack moves with other playable characters, can cause  a greater effect


·         Can have different conversations with people

·         Cut-scenes can change

You can improve the bonds by talking to people, complimenting them in certain aspects of what is their specialised field etc. You can also do it through cut scenes and some bonds grow on their own and some start off high and some start low from beginning.

Bond will only affect important PCs, NPCs and Groups of People. PCs, the characters you can play as in the game throughout, NPCs are the characters that are relevant to the story but you can’t play as them such as the Land’s King and Groups being people like Shopkeepers. When you talk to one, it will affect all shopkeepers you come across in the game.

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