Monday 17 October 2011

USPs 4

1)    Character Customization and Collectibles

Characters can customise the characters they play in the game by using objects, collecting costumes through either quests or buying or visiting relevant shops.

You can customize each character via:

-Using objects (such as jewellery) which are given to you or buy. These can be either objects that affect your characters stats and abilities or for looks sake.

-Costumes you earn for characters through quests or being bought from the shops you visit. Player can mix and match the outfits to how they want them to look

Visiting the shop where you can buy ink which will dye the clothes you’re wearing to the colour you bought.

Sometimes you will have to do this for quests as it may need you to be in a disguise of some sort to complete the stage

The clothing you wear will also have an effect on stats. The obvious effects being stat increases or decreases, magical attributes and effects to skills it has.

The minor affects it has will have is obviously how your character looks in battle and the effects to the USP mechanic 2. As it affects your stats, if your speed and agility is effected by clothing, that also means this is so by applying certain clothing and objects, you could add abilities to the character’s artinery or could disable ones they already have.

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