Monday 3 October 2011

Hair Colour Meanings and Stereotypes

Means you are shy, sensitive to the sun, but once known you are
 very out going and funny. They usually have a high temper,
 and can snap very easily. Has pail skin. Not common to have an
 early relationship, but usually last longer than anyone else.


Means you are very outgoing and not afraid to put yourself out.
 You hate getting embarrassed, but you make friends easily. Usually
 the first one to have a relationship, but also the first one to end one, too.
Means your brain is more efficient, allowing you to excel in math.
 Very affectionate, and in tune with nature. Very easy to get along
 with, and usually clean.


Means you prefer to stay indoors. You are all around average in wits.
 You usually are popular, and have many friends. You have a very low temper
 but when you get real mad, you mean it.

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