Friday 18 November 2011

Fear 2 Game Environment Research

Game Environment:
·         Linear Environments: The environments in the game lead the player to the goal intended at the end of the level. Because of how the environment is structured and created, the player knows instinctively they way they should navigate around the map making the game incredibly linear. This is a good thing as it is very story driven and the ending goal is always something that connects the puzzle of what's happening together.
·         Dark and Eerie Colours: The colours constantly used in game's levels are very dark and eerie and when they want to get a certain place or trail being highlighted, a vibrant colour would be used to show this. The colours adapt and contrast well together to give the game a scary feel.
·        Story used in Environment: The environment around the game works well with how the story is being played out. The Linear Path being one reason for this, but also the objects and components that are put together in each level design to have some importance to how the story is important in that part of the campaign.
·         Changing Happy Environments into Scary Environments: Some of the places you go through when playing the game are most of places you would associate with happiness and joy but the level designers had designed these places to be he complete the opposite and show a dark, menacing place instead. Environments such as schools and playgrounds are changed into dark and scary places which can make the player feel awkward in that level.
·         Built to fight for survival: The environments thee player plays in are meant for you to participate in fire fights, not run and hide away from the enemy. You are meant to participate in fire fights to progress through the level and discover more about the story. It does this by providing little cover in the level and if there is cover, you are meant to use it as  a way to recover health, recover ammo etc.
Why the environments work:
The environment works well for the game and its genre as it uses all the components well. Using dark and vibrant colours, the game is interesting to play, makes the player feel the emotion of fear and keeps the player's interest at the same time to learn what is happening. Even though using a certain colour spectrum, the game keeps with detail and is attractive for the genre it is meant to be. In the detail, here isn't enough for a player to use it is a way o hiding from enemies, you are meant to participate in battle and fire fights, and battle for survival which works for the level and the way the game is played as normally this works towards a story element being introduced or a transition from level to another occurring.

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