Friday 27 January 2012

Board Games Research

These documents will be researching in to how board games work, what mechanics and rules of them I could develop into my own game idea. I'll look into board games. One is a genre of game i'm looking into creating and developing for my own idea and the other being one of the most popular board games on the market and has sold increasingly well over the years.


The board game Cluedo is a murder-mystery based deduction based game. Through the game your meant to deduce who killed Dr.Black, what weapon he was killed with and what room in his mansion it was in. Every player playing the game gets dealt a set of cards which each of these components on while 3 are randomly decided and put in a pack in the middle of the game which is the answer to the case your playing. Through the set of the cards you get dealt with, you can deduce and conclude that they aren't the 3 cards that are the answer to the game. Players then go around the board game to each room in the mansion and from there, a player will make a logical guess to who it could of been and with what weapon in that room and ask another player if they have one of the cards mentioned so you can then (and only you) can cross this component off as being in the case's answer. After doing this numerous times, you have to try and be first to guess the answer right, and he/she is the winner.

Certain Components:

The Way of Deduction:
The way Cluedo is set out so each player playing the game has other components that you don't have and the way you solve or finish the game is by asking the other players when your in a room, and asking them if they have the component that you don't have and which you can then bring into your own game play to figure out who did the crime in the end. The social aspect of the game really as even though your generally enemies and working against each other, you still have to use each other to defeat each other in the game making it a very fun and sociable game to be involved in. How they restrict this by making user the player can only ask other players if they have the cards that you think i might be by being in the room that you want to ask, is the room that you think he character was murdered in.

Cards Example for the game

Interactive Version:
A future release of the game was made interactive and had a DVD with it. The DVD made the game interactive and while still playing the board game, a player has the ability of being able to do extras stuff on the game by using the interactive features on the game. The interactive version of the game also made pre-created cases in which the players would go through a story that has been made and figure out the case by going through the normal deduction methods, going around the board and asking other players, but a player could also use small cut-scenes in certain parts of the game to give you hints about the culprits and rooms.

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