Monday 23 January 2012

Social Games - RuneScape

Creators: JAGEX Game Studios

Platform: PC

Game Objectives:

Runescape is an online MMORPG for people set in the fantasy realm. More in the Medieval type graphics and looks good on screen. Being classed as best free online MMO on the internet now, it's got 156 Million Registered Accounts to show its popularity. The area of the game is quite massive and there are lot of areas you can visit, such as cities, countrysides, villages etc. As there is so much to look around in, there are lof ot people you can meet and lot of enemies you can battle with. The people are both PCs and NPCs who you can interact with. Trading, battling and messaging others is an important factor  and is one of the games biggest selling points, but also one of the worst, as people have really over-used it and took advantage of it.

A player can follow storyline of their choosing and take mostly any quest/battle that they want. They can find weapons and other content through the environment which in some way or another, will help them with their quests and battles.

 A picture to display the environment a player goes through when playing the game.

Interesting Components:

-Social Interaction: As with most popular MMORPGs on the web today, there is a massive roaming world for a player to explore and discover. Generally because its free 2 play, the graphics of the game are nothing impressive and they're best looked at from a far view, but the social aspects of the genre, don't lack anything. You can message, trade and battle with other players through the game giving it a big boost as you have a lot to do with both playable and non-playable characters in the end.

-Quests and Individual Tasks: A player has tasks in the game which they can complete though the game. A player has restrictions through the game to follow if you want to do certain quests in the game. Combat Skill, Overall Level, Money Amount are normally taken into account and to go through quests, these normally have to be a certain amount. Part is good as it gives restrictions and paths to follow but not to the extent where you are to follow only one path and have one outcome at the end

-MMORPG;Gaining Money: Being the best free online MMORPG on the web today, the way they gain actual real money has to be similar to the way other Free2Play Games have done so. You can go to the Traders through the game and buy content with real money which will have a lot more effect on the game then content you can find roaming or buying with ther games currency. So in that way, it is incredibly similar to Facebook Games.

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