Friday 27 January 2012

Gaming Audience and Genders Research

This document looks into different gaming audiences, what general age groups fit into each of them, the genders that you normally see when thinking about the audiences, how I could hopefully make a game that works for all the ages and for that reason, what game themes will work.

There are 3 Stereotypical Types of Gamer:

Hardcore Gamer: A player of games who have an in-depth amount of knowledge about games and the industry. Playing games and buying games generally that have a major label developer which have created them. Also the biggest critiques of games and can notice the small glitches and negatives of a game quite easily and quickly. Really look at game play mainly out of the aspects that are reviewed in games (graphics,game play,sound, story, characters). They do take all into account but appreciate game play over anything. Generally playing a varied amount of genres but won't touch certain genres, due to distaste for it. For hardcore gamers, having an online social aspect such as Xbox Live Parties and Game Chat on Playstation 3, his is also important as they like to communicate with each other and talk about what they're playing. Playing audience of ages from about 15 to 30, stereo-typically speaking they are male but there is a percentage amount of female who still are hardcore. Game themes which are a common through this demographic type are generally all of them, but the genres that came up more were Shooters/ Sports, RPGs & MMOs by percentage.

Traditional Gamer: A traditional gamer even though having an interest in games and the industry itself, it is generally only a casual one and doesn't really take time out of their way to research games as in-depth as hardcore gamer. Instead of mixing genres and being a fan of a variety, they generally stick to series and follow series more then games in a genre. (Call of Duty fans). They have a more rounded view of games and want to see all the components compliment each other but in some sense, they do appreciate how the game looks then how the game plays and if its fair. A reason for this is competition. Players in this demographic are more likely to be competitive and like to be the best out of their friends on games. Stat Tracking is a common used aspect in games for players such as this as they can then compare themselves to their friends playing the game. Having a social aspect is again important for this audience, they like to discuss whats going on in the game and battle each other through communication. The gaming audience on average for this is probably from 12-40. Larger demographic due to how the younger audience love competition and challenging each other and older as people in the older age group, don't like to play variety and can enjoy the game in a more pleasurable way as they have other jobs to do so such as having a job and having a family. here isn't any pacific game theme these types of players play but the more obscure themes gain more percentage such as Fighting games.

Social Gamer: A social gamer as you can tell from the name, plays the games to play with friends and generally plays for the sole aspect of it being a game where they can communicate with their friends and do things that link to that. The games that they are play are not normally action based and are normally created for the reason in to develop something. Social games are normally played on the PC as that is what they're used for. In the sense of games, they generally have no interest in the industry when it comes to developers and what they're going to be developing next. Generally playing the games for the case of getting rid of boredom, sharing and talking with friends or in some cases where they can be serious, progressing the game and trying to get to the highest level or status available. Gaming Audience on average is much larger from about 9/10-45. The reason for the more percentage of the younger generation to be playing it is because of associating with friends and playing games with each other such as Moshy Monsters and games as simple as Farmville. The older average in the demographic because of the simplicity behind the games and rules being simple to understand and pick up quickly.

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