Friday 20 January 2012

Mafia Wars 2 - Research Doc 3

Creators: Zynga

Platform: Facebook

Objectives: The objectives of Mafia Wars 2 is to create an area which you control and make it the strongest of crews in the surrounding area. By creating buildings such as casinos, banks and weapon shops, you utilize all the objects you can use to do so. The player can also go into other player's domains and gain exp by doing certain objectives. Basically building up a small area of land that is the players and running a mafia type business.
The game can be quite violent as there is some violent such as being able to shoot, stab and whack other avatars in the game but its not to a degree where it would cause worry.

Interface of Mafia Wars 2. Pretty simple and more like Sims Social in the way that it looks but when it comes to the actual Game Play, its more similar to Farmville in the way you have to look after things and work them up.

Use of Facebook: 

Friendships: As with most there games on Facebook, there is a way to utilize the friendship system on Facebook. I think that they've used it a lot better though then other games due to what you can do on the game. This gives the player the same access such as adding them as a neighbor which gives you the chance to visit heir area and see how they're hiring. But you can also hire them as people to work in your shops and buildings which helps you upgrade hem and make them better money facilities. You can also add them to your crew which makes you stronger in stats and again helps the overall progression of your land.

Gifts: Being able to send gifts to each other is something I've said about every facebook game I've looked into and this is just a social thing. Sending free gifts and buy-able gifts which have more value makes the game more interesting and helps you and other players level up and create their own mafia area.

Interactivity: You can generally see who is playing the game all over the world by going into the Fight Arena where you fight other avatars, and by doing so you get rewards.These avatars normally have a random generated person who has played this game meaning you can see who else is playing and how they are progressing through the game overall.

Just to show the interactivity part. Shows how random avatars are said to be randomly generated players of the game.

Free 2 Play Concept:
 Again like Sims Social and Farmville, there are 2 different types of currency to use in the game, one which you earn through the game  and one you get b sing real money to buy a certain amount. The 2 ypes of currency being:
Cash - Earn through the game to buy ordinary content
Gold - Got by buying with real money and gets more exclusive content
There are always deals throughout the year where certain deals will occur when money will be less to get if you pay a certain amount or exclusive content is cheaper then it should be.

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