Friday 20 January 2012

Social Games - Sims 3 (On PC and Console)

Creators: EA

Platform(s): PC/ Xbox 360/PlayStation 3/ Phone Networks

Game Objectives: The game is a life simulation game where the player can create a character or numerous amount of characters and is then meant to look after them ,make sure they progress well through the game and that they complete certain objectives. Creating how the character looks from face structure, hair and eye color, muscular tone, height and weight and the clothes the avatar wears really gives a lot for the player to play with before even starting the game. Player can also adjust the personality of the player, personality traits that the player can adjust to and work with in game and ambitions through life which they will want to succeed in and work at.

Through the game, the avatar will use what you have utilized him/her with. You will control this avatar (or avatars if you have more then one) and basically control their lives and make sure they get their necessities such as food , drink, health and friendships. While doing this, your meant to earn money by getting a job, could be something related to what the avatar wants or not in their aspirations. Also, getting a home and making that a better place and to the standards that you want it to be at. Basically trying to make your "sim" have a good life, providing the necessities, earning money, social interaction, bringing up a home and a family (if wanted). Basically the lives, that a real person would live and want.

Interesting Game Concepts and Mechanics:

CAC (Create a Character):  The Character Creation System in this game is probably the best in the game industry. he intricate amount of detail you can use to your advantage is amazing. The game makes it likely that any other player playing the game will probably not have a sim that's the exact same as yours which always gives it that unique feel. Even though some things seem a bit excessive such as nose length and width, the reasoning behind it isn't and works well as the game does need a lot of difference between characters to differentiate.

Bringing to Life: The game is meant to be incredibly realistic and you are meant to feel as if the character is real and is living a life similar to how you live your life normally. Obviously depending on the sim, a player can develop that character in any way or form that they want. Making them have a job working in the media, in the arts, in the music industry, in the science industry, teaching and so forth is p to you and you can change the progress of the game to the way you want it to be. To make it more realistic, other factors such as being able to have sex with someone and create a child is in the game, being killed in an accidental house fire, these games make it incredibly social.

"Money being brought in": EA sold the game at the equivalent of 40 pounds across the world. Making very good sales (best PC game sales in the EA company). To make more money they started to release it on other platforms such as the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 where, not selling as well but still selling enough.
The most similar thing it has done to Facebook Games is the fact there's an online store where you can buy content and use it in game to make your personal environment look better and suit he taste you want it to be in. New content is put in every month, including new areas which a player can visit and new objects for the player to use and customize their home with. Making EA sell well on the game overall.

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