Saturday 28 January 2012

Functions of Facebook Research

Research looking into the functions of facebook, why its so popular, is there any functions that could be utilized differently and in a better way, how I could utilize the current functions and why games use facebook


A simple Social Networking Site compared to some of the others such as Twitter and MyYearBook but it is still one of the top most used social sites there is. While Twitter has a lot of celebrities on there and a lot of major companies and MyYearBook has all these functions which are usable such as liking a person for their looks, giving them ratings and playing small challenges to find out who liked your profile, Facebook really doesn't have as much as them. Games still use the platform though and it is the most used social networking site of its size to have games as a main feature.

Why it's so popular?
I think the reason why the general public use it is because of its simplicity. Creating statuses, commenting on statuses, commenting on photos and videos made, posting on each others walls and liking what other people say, is one reason for the incredible popularity of the site.Aiming at the teenage and young adult demographic more then the older age groups. The teenage demographic even though having been stereo-typed as being quite silly and don't approach things the way they should, they do like to feel safe and on Facebook there are a lot of safety based settings which you can change to make the it feel better for a person. Changing who can view your profile, your pictures, who can comment on your wall and such really gives a user the sense of control and safety when visiting the site.

Facebook Functions:
The overall main function of facebook is for socialization and interacting with friends in a way you would do with others in other in the Real-World. What functions make this possible though. Here are some of what I think work well for both the social aspect and in games.

Creating/ Commenting/ Liking Posts:
Creating posts on facebook, commenting on posts on facebook and simply liking them on facebook is one of the major reasons facebook is such a good social networking site. A user can here interact with people like they would normally by talking to other people, getting involved in conversations and liking what other people do. In the social aspect, this is one of the best features because a user can basically do what they would do in normal conversations with people.

Notifications are incredibly useful for the users. Notified when anyone comments on your wall, post, photo or video helps you know when your being talked to. Helps you in playing games as you get notifications when someone sends you requests to join them and when certain occurrences are happening in your game. Overall notification are helpful to both aspects as they tell you when something has happened in the features you have used or sing on Facebook.

Functions I could use: Really wanting to push the boundaries, I want to see if there is any functions I could use on Facebook which games don't use or function I could use differently.

Groups: Facebook has the facility of creating and joining groups on facebook. Here you can talk about a specific genre of things or post things you don't want anyone else to see apart from a select number of people who have joined. Also giving the option to make it a closed group where only people with invites can join. I think maybe in some form using this in a social facebook game could be pretty unique. The player can join server with just the members of the group and do missions with group member, get notified about what group members are doing, depending on the game, get put into a squad of sorts and work with each other to complete the game.

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